The chess game between Miguel Najdorf and Henryk Salomon Glucksberg, played in Warsaw in 1929, is famously known as the “Polish Immortal” due to its remarkable combination and brilliancy.

In this game, Najdorf, playing with the black pieces, sacrificed both of his rooks in a stunning attack against Glucksberg’s king. The sacrificial combination led to an extraordinary series of moves, culminating in a checkmate that is widely regarded as one of the most beautiful and memorable in chess history.

The key moment of the game occurred when Najdorf sacrificed his first rook with 17…Bxf2+, leading to a cascade of sacrifices that left Glucksberg’s king exposed and vulnerable. Despite being down material, Najdorf’s pieces coordinated perfectly to deliver a checkmate that has since become legendary.

The “Polish Immortal” is celebrated for its artistic beauty and the audacity of Najdorf’s sacrificial play. It exemplifies the creative potential of chess and continues to inspire players and enthusiasts around the world.

It’s worth noting that while this game has been widely attributed to Najdorf and Glucksberg, some sources suggest that it may have been misattributed, and the actual players involved remain uncertain. Nevertheless, the game itself remains an iconic masterpiece of chess brilliancy.
